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At United Yorkie Rescue we are blessed with an extraordinary success rate in finding forever homes for our rescued foster dogs. To share this joy we've created this "Happy Tails" page. Happy Tails is devoted to the celebration of these wonderful stories with everyone who loves dogs. We hope that you enjoy these "Tails" as much as we have. Thank you!!
 Andy enjoying his new home
Andy is doing very well. He and Jack play all of the time. Their favorite game is chase, Andy runs around and Jack chases him. Jack really likes having another dog to play tug with. Andy loves, loves, loves to go for walks around the neighborhood. He gets so excited when he sees the harness that he jumps up about 4 feet in the air, and we have to calm him down just to get the harness on him.
Andy is making progress in his potty training and he will be going to obedience classes soon.
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 Wally and new mom
My name is Wally. I'm a sweet older fella who somehow found my way into a high-kill shelter. That's where UYR foster mom found me when she was coming to see the Yorkies. I wished and wished I was a Yorkie and maybe if I had a Yorkie disguise she would take me home. Lucky for me, she took me anyway!
Now I am living the life with my own FURever mommy who loves me so much. She says she's never going to leave me and will love me FURever. Thank you UYR for loving me even though I'm a Yorkie Wannabe!! Love, Wally xoxo
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 Home at last
Dora (now named Dory) is such a joy. She
has added so much to my life. My sister and I laugh all the time just watching
her. Her house training is going well. She had a good head start with Jill.
Thank you so much for the opportunity to have her. You all do such a
wonderful service.
Linda Hoffman
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 Mia & Fatty Maddie
 Maddie, is also a UYR rescue
AZ Mia
Hi, this is Mia and Fatty Maddie (neighborhood kids gave her the adjective). Mia I brought back from Arizona. She is blind from an attack over food and the owners did not want to pay for eye surgery. She owes her life to a vet who refused to put her down and United Yorkie Rescue for her rescue.
Maddie I adopted when the owner who I think used her for breeding didn't want her any more. She arrived with gum disease, an abscess on her butt and fleas. She is the Queen Bee now with her own carriage and the cutest face I have ever seen. Linda in Boston
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 Sofi & fur siblings
Hey Everyone, Sofi here. I am doing great. Here is a picture of me with my
fur sister, Emmi (also from UYR) and fur brother, Ernie at Halloween. Crazy
Mom likes to dress us. Well, what can I say, I am loving life, and Mom and
Dad love me. During the day I play in the backyard or sit on a chair
looking out the window. At night, I sleep on my own pillow at the head of
the bed. I never thought I could be so spoiled.
My journey started with a broken front leg and after having a fixator on it
for many months, the leg never mended. I had my leg removed, and honestly,
what a relief. I run just as good as any four legged friend, and I don't
have the fixator on my leg any more. I want to thank UYR and Foster Mom,
Jenn, for taking such good care of me and finding me a home where I am loved.
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Press Bulletin:
For immediate release to News wires and all interested parties
From the Office of the Gentleman-In-Waiting (GIW) Regarding:
Her Serene Highness (HSH) Princess Sydney,
His Exalted Highness (HEH) Prince Gus.
Their Highnesses would like to inform their subjects and all interested citizens that the court welcomes the arrival of her Serene Highness Princess Sydney to the kingdom. Her Serene Highness, a direct descendant of the famous Bard from Stratford-Upon-Avon, would like her subjects to know that she now claims the lands known as Sussex-Upon-Backyard as her own and for her diversion and pleasure. Previous occasional users of her lands (squirrels, a coterie of various birds, lizards, and other assorted creatures) should know that Her tolerance for their presence is limited and should they abuse their privileges Her Serene Highness will not hesitate to inform them that they have overstated their welcome.
Being of sound mind and good health the Princess would like her subjects to know that presently she is settling into what she calls a "satisfactory" daily routine with final judgment to be rendered at a future date. Her breakfast consist of a variety of nutritious comestibles followed by a multi-vitamin. This is followed by a walk around the surrounding estates and a period of rest which last approximately until the noon hour after which Her Highness conducts an inspection of her lands to ensure their proper care and evict any lingering intruders such as those previously mentioned. (HSH conducts these inspections several times during the day as part of her royal duties). As the day progresses, Her Serene Highness may enjoy and occasional moment of play or a restful restorative nap that re-energizes her for the remaining duties of her daily schedule.
As dinner time arrives HSH will partake of a nutritious meal, although she will often demand to sample the less flavorful samplings that her subjects may be consuming at their dinner table. The evening continues with another walk-about of surrounding lands and a return to her chambers to commiserate about the discharge of her responsibilities. After a few hours of rest which includes a rubbing of the royal ears, back, and tummy by the Gentleman-In-Waiting HSH is ready for her final daily walk-about before retiring for the day.
His Exalted Highness Prince Gus would like everyone to know that he is closely watching HSH's accommodations and routines to ensure that there is an equilibrium between His and Her duties. This is important ,according to the Prince ,in order to prevent any mis-perceptions by their subjects that there is an imbalance in the time that royal courtiers spent attending to each of their royal highnesses. The Prince expects to render a more substantive judgment at a future date. However, loyal subjects should not be overly concerned since His Highness knows that he is loved and cherished by all.
All questions regarding the welfare of either of their Highnesses should be submitted in writing to the court's Gentleman-In-Waiting.
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 Wrigley and Ashley
Wrigley is doing great! We are so shocked how fast and well he adjusted here. The first few days of picking him up it was only me actually trying it out, since then he has let Josh pick him as well. He is great with everyone. We do notice if he is up high on the bed or couch with me and Josh walks into the room he gets a little frightened for a second or two but then be crawls over to Josh and gives kisses. He is getting better with that though.
He absolutely loves to go on walks, so we walk them atleast 3 times a day. He hangs out all day with Josh, Kuma and the cats and just relaxes in his nice comfy bed. He has gotten into a cute habit of waking up 15 minutes or so before the alarm goes off to cuddle in the bed. :) It is very cute.
We are so happy with him and we can tell Kuma is as well..she is always on cloud 9 these days.
Thanks again!
Ashley & Josh. xo
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 Chloe, formerly known as Lucy
Hi everyone! My name used to be Lucy but I didn't know my name so my new family named me Chloe. I'm doing very well at my new home! I have an older but much larger sister named Macey. She loves me and I love playing with her! She is so much fun to chase around the house and yard. I actually think we are the same size even though I weigh 11 pounds and she weighs 100 pounds.
I'm so happy with my new family! I'm getting all the love and attention I deserve. The kids love to play with me and carry me around. My dad sleeps on the couch with me and puts me in his jacket while we are playing on the computer. I think I might be getting a little spoiled! I follow my mom everywhere she goes. She loves taking me on walks several times a day and let's me get lots of exercise! I am finally at home with a family that loves me. Life doesn't get much better than this!
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 Monty and new parents
 New parents, and Monty in foster mom Amy's arms
Monty (now Bailey :) is a blessing in our lives! He is the most loving, well-adjusted, spunky little puppy. We couldn't have asked for a better dog. He loves being outside and does a little dance every time his leash comes out. The only thing that can MAYBE rival a walk is food! He loves to eat and is not picky at all, dry food makes him happy as can be.
Every morning he sleeps until we wake up, but as soon as we stir, his little teddy-bear face pops up and he stretches his arms out and crawls over for a cuddle. He loves cuddles in the morning before we get out of bed and at night before we go to sleep. And when you pick him up, he's like butter in your arms. When he's not sleeping or cuddling, he's playing with his squeaky toys! He loves to run after them when we throw them and then secure them by racing to his bed with the toy in his mouth.
He loves his golden retreiver brother, Cody, and meeting other dogs on all of our daily walks. Everyone in the neighborhood knows his name! And any visitor to our home is greated with a dance and and a doggie hug as he stretches his litte furry arms up their legs. Everyone thinks he is so cute - we have a lot more visitors these days!
When we first got him, he was constantly darting out the door and running away. It was very scary and we were so nervous we were going to lose him that way. But he has calmed down big time. We got a doggy-gate at the top of the stairs and I am working on training him to sit and stay at the door every time we go out. He must wait until I step outside and tell him he can go. This is helping him learn some "door manners" so we can keep him safe! And he is so smart, he's picking it up fast. He can also sit, stay, lay down, come and get down on command.
Adopting Bailey from United Yorkie Rescue was the best decision we ever made. I don't think we could have found a better dog in the whole wide world, we love our little man - thank you!
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 Carnie's new family
Helloooooo from The Villages! This is Connie (formerly known as Carnie). I am SO HAPPY here in my new home with my furever mom & dad! THANKS United Yorkie Rescue for finding my furever home! I LOVE IT HERE!!! My new mom and dad take me for many walks and they show me off to all their friends and neighbors! Everyone says I am the prettiest girl on the block!!! How about that? I love the golf cart and they say I have been very, very good with my potty habits. It really is great to see the loving smiles from Mom Mary and Dad Charlie--they think I am the most special little gal they have ever seen! I love them too!!!!
The last thing I gotta say is I HIT PAY DIRT........and so did my mom and dad!!!
Connie signing off - ummmm, Mom? Can we go for another golf cart ride now?
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 Jesse and new mom and dad
Greetings from the Lawson group, Gary, Bernie and of course Jesse. We have really enjoyed the last year and a half in sunny Florida, with golf cart rides, car rides and walks at Lake Sumter Landing. Health of all is good, we really enjoy our Jesse.
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 Anna, Patty Cake, and new mom
Anna and PattyCake have been adopted! Yeah! They are loving life in their new home and their new mom will be writing a Happy Tails story about how well they're doing very soon - so please check back!
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 Anna, Patty Cake, and new mom
Patty Cake
PattyCake & Anna have been adopted! Yeah! They are loving life in their new home and their new mom will be writing a Happy Tails story about how well they're doing very soon - so please check back!
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 Gino and new family
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 Murphy, Morgan, Frankie
Here are some pictures of the boys, all three of them, Murphy, Frankie, and Morgan. They have become best buddies and race around the back yard like maniacs. Morgan is very careful not to be too rough with the little ones, but they are both pretty scrappy little guys. They let us know if someone is coming near their house or yard and are ready to tear them limb from limb.
We dearly love our boys, and are so happy that we have all three. They went to our vet to be introduced and give him their papers. Murphy and Frankie are going to be groomed on Sep. 13.
Will give you an update in the fall. Let us hear from you from time to time.
Tish and Fred Neesemann
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 Murphy, Morgan, Frankie
Here are some pictures of the boys, all three of them, Murphy, Frankie, and Morgan. They have become best buddies and race around the back yard like maniacs. Morgan is very careful not to be too rough with the little ones, but they are both pretty scrappy little guys. They let us know if someone is coming near their house or yard and are ready to tear them limb from limb.
We dearly love our boys, and are so happy that we have all three. They went to our vet to be introduced and give him their papers. Murphy and Frankie are going to be groomed on Sep. 13.
Will give you an update in the fall. Let us hear from you from time to time.
Tish and Fred Neesemann
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 Chico and his new family
Hi Auntie Jenn, Tito here......I am sure you would be glad to know that I've been eating all my veggies, I love green beans, carrots and apples, but then again I've always had a very healthy appetite.
I am getting used to my new neighborhood, I love going for long walks and exploring my new hood. There's lots to see and meet. So far in the first few weeks I've been here
I've been able to swim in the pool and chase squirrel (don't worry auntie I don't hurt them, they are on the other side of the screen) it is so much fun trying to catch them.
I've also tried my best to be a good boy, but I've had some accidents in the house, nothing to worry about, I'm working on that and I am also working at not being a mean, dominant Boy I turned to when I'm under the bed.... I growl and nip at anyone that tries getting me out from there...don't they understand that I've claimed all that space for me???... well anyway my parents are really very patient with me and w/ a little bit of apples I'm out of there....
Saludos from Coral Springs!!!
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 Tucker and new dad
Tucker here! I'm loving life with my new family! This is me and my daddy. I just love him! See how my hair is starting to grow in? Thank you UYR for saving me from the shelter and for helping my new family find me! Licks and wags, Tucker
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 Sophie and Dixie and their new parents.
Sophie and Dixie and their new parents.
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 Sophie and Dixie and their new parents.
Sophie and Dixie and their new parents.
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