Organizations, such as ours, cannot succeed without the help of our volunteers within and outside of the group. This page is dedicated to those many people and organizations that have made donations to aid in our rescue of the Yorkshire Terrier. We truly appreciate all that you have done for us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!
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  • Toni Caulk - Monetary donation for Jackson's special needs!
  • Toni Caulk - Monetary donation for Jackson's special needs!
  • Toni Caulk - Monetary donation to help with Precious' special needs!
  • Sandy Pagnotta - Monetary donation for Wyatt's special needs.
  • Carolyn Adkins - Monetary donation for Ava's surgery costs.
  • Janet Burke - Monetary donation for Randy's care!
  • Marian C Hunt - Monetary donation to help with Randy's special needs.
  • Rachel Rogers - Monetary donation for the Forever Ours pups!
  • Bobbye Davidson - Donation for the Forever Ours pups.
  • Bobbye Davidson - Donation for Forever Ours Pups Gracie!
  • Sandy Michl - Monetary donation for Wyatt's special needs.
  • Mary Matkovich - Monetary donation for Randy's care!
  • Ryan, Lori & Lexis Sherwood - Monetary donation for Randy's care!
  • Theresa Cobb - Monetary donation to help with Wheaties' special needs!
  • Beverly Rinehart - Monetary donation to help with Precious' special needs!
  • Beverly J Harvey - Monetary donation for Ava's surgery costs.
  • Marie Weidling - Monetary donation to help with Ava's surgery costs.
  • Bobbye Davidson - Monetary donation to help with Brandon's care.
  • Bobbye Davidson - Monetary donation for Jack's care.
  • Marilyn Smith - Monetary donation to help with Precious' special needs!
  • Marilyn Smith - Monetary donation to help with Wheatie's special needs!
  • In Memory of our Beloved Daschund Peanut - Monetary donation for Wheaties' special needs!
  • Marilyn Smith - Monetary donation to help with Wyatt's special needs.
  • Emilie and Jewel the Yorkie Hammon - Monetary donation to help with Lady's special needs!
  • Bobbi Rowley - Monetary donation to help with Wyatt's special needs.
  • Laura Bower - Monetary donation for Jackson's special needs!
  • Laura Bower - Monetary donation to help with Lady's special needs!
  • Laura Bower - Monetary donation to help with Precious' special needs!
  • Laura Bower - Monetary donation to help with Randy's special needs.
  • Laura Bower - Monetary donation to help with Wheatie's special needs!
  • Laura Bower - Monetary donation to help with Wyatt's special needs.
  • In Memory of James Hill on his 70th Birthday - Monetary donation for UYR!
  • Holly & all the gang - Monetary donation to help with Wheatie's special needs!
  • Juanita Aaron-Alexis - Monetary donation to help with Wheatie's special needs!
  • Juanita Aaron-Alexis - Monetary donation to help with Precious' special needs!
  • Juanita Aaron-Alexis - Monetary donation to help with Lady's special needs!
  • Juanita Aaron-Alexis - Monetary donation to help with Jack's special care costs!
  • Juanita Aaron-Alexis - Monetary donation for Ava's surgery costs.
  • Scott Houle - Monetary donation to help with Lady's special needs.
  • Johnnie Smith - Monetary donation to help with Wheatie's special needs!
  • Marla Winter and her Yorkie: Sampson - Monetary donation to help with Wheatie's special needs!
  • Elizabeth Ramos - Monetary donation for Wheaties' special needs!
  • Sandie Friedland - Monetary donation to help with Lady's special needs!
  • Cathy Cline - Monetary donation to help with Precious' special needs!
  • Catherine Howard - Monetary donation to help with Precious' special needs!
  • Madelyn Papineau - Monetary donation for Ava's surgery costs.
  • Madelyn Papineau - Monetary donation to help with Wheatie's special needs!
  • Scott Houle - Monetary donation to help with Precious's special needs!
  • Scott Houle - Monetary donation for Ava's surgery costs.
  • Scott Houle - Monetary donation to help with Wheatie's special needs!
  • Scott Houle - Monetary donation for Wyatt's special needs.
  • Jewel the Yorkie - Monetary donation for 'Forever Ours' Tiger.
  • Bobbye Davidson - Monetary donation for 'Forever Ours' Brandon.
  • Mary Brennan - Monetary donation for Ava's surgery costs.
  • Jennifer H Rosen - Monetary donation for Wheaties' special needs!