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The Rainbow Bridge
Just this side of heaven is a place called Rainbow Bridge.
When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all of our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.
All the animals who had been ill and old are restored to health and vigor. Those who were hurt or maimed are made whole and strong again, just as we remember them in our dreams of days and times gone by. The animals are happy and content, except for one small thing; they each miss someone very special to them, who had to be left behind.
They all run and play together, but the day comes when one suddenly stops and looks into the distance. His bright eyes are intent. His eager body quivers. Suddenly he begins to run from the group, flying over the green grass, his legs carrying him faster and faster.
You have been spotted, and when you and your special friend finally meet, you cling together in joyous reunion, never to be parted again. The happy kisses rain upon your face; your hands again caress the beloved head, and you look once more into the trusting eyes of your pet, so long gone from your life but never absent from your heart.
Then you cross Rainbow Bridge together....
Author unknown...
Bessie FO
2/13/25: Sadly we lost sweet Bessie this morning. She couldn't stand and was crying in pain. An injection only helped for about 8 hours and the pain returned. We had to help her to the bridge.
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Phoebe FO
01/23/25: Sadly today sweet little Phoebe passed away. For the last 3 years she had a slow decline but not one bad day. She was loved by the other dogs and her foster mom.
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Finley Binx
Cindy McKimm, Carol Gostomski, Veronica Gonzales, Bret Park, Pamela Reynolds, Jan Freeman, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Angie Cagle, Joanne Vogel, Brian Cook, Teresa Beament, David and Diana Lavine, Stephanie Slack, Debra Frare, Donald Farmer, Annette Weeks
Update 1/20/25: Sadly today we had to let Finley Binx go. His condition had worsened despite the care he was receiving. His blood pressure began dropping and couldn't be maintained and any additional fluids would have further stressed his heart. This is a heartbreaking outcome for us all.
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Winston TX 24
12/30/24: Sadly today we had to help Winston to the Rainbow Bridge. He was suffering with end-stage kidney failure. We wish his condition could have been managed but it was too advanced for us to save him. Rest in peace sweet boy. We know you are no longer suffering and hope you are running free once again.
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Roxy Rose FO
12/2/24 Roxy Rose crossed the Rainbow Bridge this afternoon. She was loved and cared for in her Foster Home. She will be missed.
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Tennessee Paris Grace FO
Paris Grace came to rescue in 2023 she was a 14 year beautiful girl. She was loved by her foster family and will be dearly missed.
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Lily WV FO
9/2/24: Sadly sweet Lily who was being fostered in West Virginia has gone to the Rainbow Bridge. Run free little girl...you were much loved.
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 Tripp and Tiffani
6/8/24: Sadly today we had to help Tiffani to the bridge. She evidently had a gall bladder with large stones that burst through and she had developed sepsis. She was too ill to save. We wish we could have helped her sooner before her condition got so out of hand.
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 Tripp and Tiffani
6/8/24 Sadly today we had to help Tripp to the bridge. He was in very poor condition and suffering from congestive heart failure. Rest in peace sweet boy...wish we could have helped you sooner
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5/18/24: Sadly today we had to let sweet Vanilla go. She was not eating for 2 days and a trip to the emergency room prompted another trip to a specialist. Vanilla had a huge kidney stone and that kidney also had an abscess. The only remedy was to remove the kidney however her other kidney was seriously undersized and not likely functioning properly. We had no option but to help her to the bridge. Sweet Vanilla was the best little girl, a 10 out of 10 as reported by her foster mom. We are sorry we didn't get her sooner to help her, but her condition was beyond help. Run free little Vanilla...your foster mommy loved you so much and we know you are now healthy and whole.
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Faith Grace TX
4/13/24: Sadly we lost sweet Faith Grace today. Faith Grace has gone to her forever home in Heaven, where she will be perfect and loved beyond measure.
Tiny Faith Grace came to UYR as a stray at the end of January, weighing only 3 pounds and estimated to be 10-12 years or more. She has been residing in her foster home since then. She faced so many struggles in her little life, low thyroid, no hair, bad teeth, diminished hearing and practically blind, but she had a loving soul and brought great joy to her foster mom and dad, who loved her as if she was their own baby. She was a smart little girl and learned to deal with bad vision and navigated like a sighted dog. When she was ready to eat in the morning, be it 4:00 a.m. or 9:00 a.m, she would pick up her food bowl and bang it against the metal bowl holder to let us know. She had a soft, mewing voice to communicate her needs to us. What a special little lady, and we were honored to love on her. Her last day was spent in the arms of her foster mom, wrapped in her blankey and covered with a heating pad for comfort. At bedtime, she was placed gently in her little bed and covered. Her soul left her sometime during the night. She will be sorely missed. Run free sweet girl!
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3/7/24: This is an update I did not want to post. Our little Precious Jet passed away last night around 3:35am. He simply could not hold on any longer. This is heartbreaking to our rescue and everyone who has come to love him, as we all knew how much this little baby boy wanted to live! He has fought obviously since birth, but when we, United Yorkie Rescue, as a rescue org are called into action, it's usually at such a critical time. His issue was more neurological and a CT scan showed several congenital anomalies. We were able to have him discharged from the ER with a head/neck brace and had settled him for the night, but at 3:30, Foster Mom checked on him and he had passed away. Now he can be whole and run free and be that puppy that he so deserved to be. Bless you all for loving and helping to give him the best last days of his little life! Bless you little JET...run wild and free sweet love!
Veronica Gonzales, Debra Frare, Stephanie Slack, Carol Gostomski, Cindy Mitchell-Clark, John Fullam, Cheryl Scrupski, Yvette Vangeloff, Wendy Henry, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, DeAnn Deutsch, Laura Bentley, Wendy Fuhrmaneck, Ellen Chokreff, Elba Short, Barbara Burgess, Angie Cagle, Bob Nelson, Debbie Johnson, Marciano Sanchez, Karry Rogers, Kristal Michel, Leslie Corbell, Sharon Hill, Karry Rogers, Denise Long, Jayne Newell, Mary Corbin, Lee Filer, Sherri Scrupski
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Bitsy FO
11/24/23 Today we lost sweet Bitsy due to kidney failure. She's now at the Rainbow Bridge with her BFF, Bells. Run free little sweetheart.
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9/29/23 Sadly today we realized the mammary tumors have returned and the chemo meds are not working. We had to help this sweet girl to the bridge.
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Nellie Kate
Nellie Kate died in her sleep today. Foster mom and the Dogtor did all we could to get her well just sometimes we get these babies to late to save.
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8/6/23: Sadly today sweet Bells' heart failed and she is now at the Rainbow Bridge. She will be very much missed.
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Davey FO
7/5/23: Sadly today we lost sweet Davey to heart failure and advanced kidney disease. He came into rescue in 2018 and was adopted out but returned later and since then has been living with his loving foster family. Everyone is devastated to have lost this sweet boy, but sadly kidney disease is one medical issue we cannot fix. The treatment for his disease ultimately taxes the heart and there was no more we could do for him. Rest in peace sweet boy!
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Sugar Pie FO
Sugar Pie crossed the rainbow bridge today. Sugar Pie came to us 2 years ago she had multiple Mamery tumors she had some labs that determined she was not a good candidate for surgery. She lived the rest of her life being loved. There is a hole in our heart. She will be missed but never forgotten.
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Crystal FO
6/16/23 Sadly today we had to help sweet Crystal to the bridge. She had been declining significantly in the last weeks and could no longer smell her food or find her way back to her bed. Crystal had been with her foster mom for 4 years and she will be sorely missed.
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Sugar Cookie FO
Sugar Cookie was a 13 yr old (estimated) poodle being fostered near Ashland City, TN.
5/25/23 Sugar Cookie had a big decline in health this last couple of weeks. She has been suffering from dementia and has been restless and whining constantly and pacing in circles. She was receiving Trazadone to help her rest but even so she couldn't get solid sleep. Her ears were constantly infected even with treatments and she was blind and completely deaf. Her back end was weakening as well due to earlier in her life possibly being hit by a car. She also suffered from bouts of pancreatitis. The vet decided it may be best to go ahead and let her cross the bridge as her quality of life wasn't peaceful. Foster mom loves you sweet girl; run free like the puppy you once were.
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