Organizations, such as ours, cannot succeed without the help of our volunteers within and outside of the group. This page is dedicated to those many people and organizations that have made donations to aid in our rescue of the Yorkshire Terrier. We truly appreciate all that you have done for us. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts!!
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  • Sherri Edling - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Kelly A Carvalho - Donation of money from an ebay auction for Ozzie's surgery and follow up care costs.
  • Liz Damas - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Kim Mahmoud - Monetary donation for Sully's surgery.
  • Robin Early and Catheanne Henceroth - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Vivienne Rowe - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Emily Patrick - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Lori Harwell - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Dalynn Boyer - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Bonnie Webb - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • JC, Mike, Beau, Walker, GracieLee, & Joey - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Jeanine Smith - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Michael Drear - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Charlette Shoji from California - Highest bidder and winner of Suzanne's painting.
  • Suzanne Renaud - Donations of her proceeds from the sale of a beautiful painting for Ozzie's surgery costs!.
  • Paula Slater and her Yorkie Graci - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Jayne Cohen - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Christine Vasilantone - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Ellen Bine - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Marie Burch and Mia - Monetary donation for Sully's surgery.
  • Michael and Ginger Williams - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery from an ebay auction they held for him!.
  • Carmen Johnston - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Marie Burch and Mia - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Diane Reger - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Debra Sepulveda - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Liz Damas - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Stephanie Papoi - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Jane Beam - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Janine Tudor-Coulson - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Audrey Tudor-Coulson - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Linda Grimm - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Terri Shumsky and the FMLS group - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery. - Website
  • Mary Rothermel - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Sandy Cafiero - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Trudie Nelson - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Pam Whitlatch - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Erin Heath - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Nancy Cox - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Kory Katz - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Sandi Ritchie - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Marge Coffin - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Donna Bogus - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Bonnie Conger - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Dinky Dawg Shoppe Website - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery. - Website
  • Sandy Pagnotta - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Robin Baranowski - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Paige Robichaux - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • In memory of my beloved Shiba Nellie - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Antoinette Lowery - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • In Memory of My little girl 'PELUSA' - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Cat Brooks - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Cat Brooks - Monetary donation for Sully's surgery.
  • Kari Lundin - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • Patricia McMeechan - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.
  • The Tattianna Memorial Fund - Monetary donation for Ozzie's surgery.